
You may have heard your piercer say something about “downsizing” your piercing! Downsizing a piercing is a crucial and often misunderstood step in the journey towards a fully healed and comfortable piercing. Downsizing is done before a piercing is fully healed by swapping a longer post out for a shorter one to minimize the potential for snags and trauma. Because the piercing isn’t fully healed this should be done by your piercer so they can keep things clean, minimize the trauma to the piercing from the change and make sure the jewelry is properly sterilized. Take a look at our guide to find out exactly what downsizing entails, why it's important, and how to do it right!

  • Stylized illustration of longer jewelry in initial piercing.

    When you first get a piercing, your piercer will use a longer post initially to allow room for swelling. This is necessary because without accounting for swelling your jewelry can embed into your tissue. It may seem long at first but if you give it a little while the swelling will set in and the fit will make sense!

  • Stylized illustration of swelling occurring in a new piercing

    Depending on the type of piercing, your body and your lifestyle you’ll begin to notice swelling from a day to a week after getting pierced. The extra length will no longer be visible but the jewelry should still fit comfortably. If either of the ends feel like they’re digging into your piercing or you can no longer see the backing reach out to your piercer as you may have swelled more than anticipated and need a longer post.

  • Stylized illustration of swelling going down and the longer post being exposed again.

    Around the 4 to 6-week mark, you'll find that the swelling has subsided significantly, indicating that your piercing is ready for a shorter post. This timing can vary due to a range of factors, so it's always a good idea to touch base with your piercer for personalized guidance. Since that extra length is now exposed your piercing is more likely to get caught and snagged or have discharge and dried crust build up on the post.

  • Stylized illustration of shorter jewelry having been installed so it fits properlly.

    Since your piercing is still healing you will want to return to your piercer to have the post swapped out to avoid complications arising. Some piercings or individuals might require multiple downsizes, while others might be just fine with one. Only the post is changed so you get to keep the same beautiful end that you picked out!

Problems with not downsizing

  • Stylized illustration of bumps forming on a piercing and the angle shifting from it being slept on without being downsized..

    The purpose of downsizing is that it helps prevent any snags or potential trauma, especially when you're sleeping. If you leave the longer post in and sleep on that piercing it can start to shift the angle of it. So instead of having a night straight piercing it will begin to sit at an angle. This cannot be fixed and the piercing would have to be pulled, allowed to heal and then repierced. As a reaction to the shifting angle or even just getting sagged more often your piercing my develop the irritation bumps. If you are having issues be sure to reach out to your piercer so they can help you get your healing back on track.

Does my piercing need to be downsized?

Not every piercing needs to downsized or benefits from a shorter post during the healing duration. We’ve listed some common piercings and their estimated heal times below along with whether or not they will need a shorter post while they heal! If your piercing will need to be downsized your piercer will discuss it with you but use this as a cheat sheet if you cannot remember! Everyone’s body is different so definitely check in with your piercer if you have any questions!

Healing times for piercings can vary depending on a variety of factors such as lifestyle, health, stress, nutrition and whether the piercing has been slept on or traumatized. The time frames given here are just estimates and not a guarantee that your piercing will be healed during that period. If you’re wanting to change your jewelry or leave your piercing without jewelry in it we always recommend checking with your piercer before doing so.

Ear Piercings

  • Typically take around 6 months to heal and may or may not need a downsize around 6-8 weeks. Check in with a piercer to see if your lobes need shorter posts!

  • These piercings take about 9 months to heal and will need a downsize at 6-8 weeks!

  • These piercings take about 9 months to heal and will need a downsize at 6-8 weeks!

  • These piercings take about 9 months to heal and will need a downsize at 4-8 weeks!

  • These piercings take about 9 months to heal and will need a downsize at 8-12 weeks!

  • These piercings will take around 9-12 months to heal and will not need to be downsized during the healing period.

  • These piercings take about 9 months to heal and will need a downsize at 12-16 weeks!

  • These piercings take around 9-12 months to heal and will not need a downsize during the healing process!

Facial Piercings

  • These piercings take about 9 months to heal and will need a downsize at 6-8 weeks!

  • These piercings take around 6 months to heal and will not need a downsize during the healing period.

  • These piercings take about 6 months to heal. To prevent damage to teeth and gums, they will need a downsize at 3-6 weeks and potentially once again after 2-3 months!

  • These piercings take around 6 months to heal and may or may not need a downsize. Check in with your piercer around 6-8 weeks to confirm!

  • These piercings take 6-9 months to heal and will need a downsize at 6-8 weeks!

Body Piercings

  • These piercings take about 9 months to heal and don’t typically need a downsize during the healing period!

  • These piercings take about 9 months to heal and don’t typically need a downsize during the healing period!

  • These piercings take around 9 months to heal and typically are not downsized during the healing process.

Genital Piercings

  • These piercings take about 3-4 months to heal and don’t typically need a downsize during the healing period.

  • These piercings take about 6-9 months to heal and don’t typically need a downsize during the healing period.

  • These piercings take about 2-4 months to heal and don’t typically need a downsize during the healing period.

  • These piercings take about 6-8 months to heal and don’t typically need a downsize during the healing period.

  • These piercings take about 6-9 months to heal and don’t typically need a downsize during the healing period.

  • These piercings take about 3-4 months to heal and don’t typically need a downsize during the healing period.

  • These piercings take about 6 months to heal and don’t typically need a downsize during the healing period.

  • These piercings take about 4-6 months to heal and don’t typically need a downsize during the healing period.

  • These piercings take about 4-6 months to heal and don’t typically need a downsize during the healing period.

  • These piercings take about 6-9 months to heal and don’t typically need a downsize during the healing period.

  • These piercings take about 6-9 months to heal and don’t typically need a downsize during the healing period.

If you are ever unsure about your piercing’s needs or any aspects of the healing process please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are happy to help advise you!